CNN IBN for all its incompetence and shrillness, finally asked a good question -

And got the answer, rather clearly.
Well! Shit!
I have been saying this for years and finally it has dawned upon these fools in the media that most of Northern India is uncultured, boorish, and in many ways, not even fit for human existence.
Now, of course that doesn't mean there are no decent, cultured North Indians. We know that.
But 88% of people responding to a poll like this saying "North India is lawless" is pretty revealing. It is pretty hard to describe boorish behaviour, but if women get molested every single day, raped fairly regularly, people get killed for the stupidest reasons.... here, take a look at a few of them...
... then we know the North of India is a pretty screwed up place for humans.
So before we bash the Northies, let's give them credit where it is due. It is true North Indians are more enterprising than South Indians. Many risk takers in new areas of commerce are North Indians, much less their Southern brothers and sisters. Chances are, their brothers and sisters in the South have a little better education and are able to get good jobs, but ANY North Indian enterprise is likely to be bigger, better thought out, able to weather storms, and likely to survive for the long run. Kudos Northies! You can't be beaten there.
It is true more North Indians join the armed forces than South Indians. But, wait a minute! What better place to be boorish, violent, uncultured, and outright stupid than the armed forces? And be appreciated for it! A lot of being in the services is just about being mindlessly obedient. That's all it takes to fit in. Especially for the majority of the lower ranks, which by the way are the majority of the armed forces.
Yeah, yeah, I know this is not a very patriotic thing to say. I'm not a patriot, and would never claim to be one in this sort of company, but is stealing land from war widows patriotic? Check out the officers who are all being pulled up for major corruption - all North Indians, EVEN in the Army! Are you kidding me?
Let us not get into this argument that feeding the stereotype is not going to help the cause, and that India is India. Well, no! 88% boors is North India, not India. There is no smoke without fire. The smoke is the stereotype, the fire is the reality - freaking 88% say so! This is a freaking democracy, and clearly, this is not a poll booth you bastards managed to capture.
Let's not even go far enough to describe the despicable animals that come into North Indian politics, some of them even into national prominence. We know where the most backward states of India are. If the whole of India got independence at the same time, and the whole of India has the same judicial, administrative, commercial, and electoral structures, what can be the possible reason for NONE of the Southern states being backward, and for just two states in North India to have more poor people than all the countries in Sub Saharan Africa?
Why has the journey of the last 62 years been so different for the North and the South? Clearly, it comes down to the people. At some point, we should take responsibility for who we are. If most incidences of violence, crime, brazen violations of the law and so on occur in the North, clearly this is a problem with people who live there.
So what is it in the culture of North Indians that makes them so boorish, and outright backward? Delhi, the national capital is a disgrace for the number of crimes against women it throws up year after year. These fools on CNN IBN even discussed this issue as being one of lack of identity, that Delhi "welcomes" people from all over India, but since there is such a diverse mix of people there, people of Delhi don't have their own "identity", and hence, no "culture". Sure, so let's gang rape a girl and get some identity. Are you freaking serious?
Violence comes from a quarreling nature. Quarrels are for people who cannot argue. Arguments take intelligence. See the connection? It might take some intelligence to see the connections too, so don't try too hard if you can't. Bengaluru also has a very diverse population, since it also has "welcomed" people from all over India. People aren't killing each other in Bengaluru, at least, not yet. And most people in Bangalore who have seen its more culturally rooted days don't really complain about its pubs or girls that dress provocatively. They are quite open about cursing the "North Indians" that have spoiled Bengaluru. I am yet to see any evidence, to be honest, about any North Indian doing any specific damage to anything that belongs to Bengaluru. Maybe in some cases, there is smoke without fire! Unlikely, but worth examining.
In a city like Kathmandu, there is no real reason for any perceptional difference between North Indians and South Indians. But check into any hotel there and see the marked difference in service you get if you are a South Indian and the staff come to know. It is special. Get to know them a bit better and they will tell you North Indians are rude, and they don't really care for them! A bad name in a country that is much poorer and backward than India? You fucking boorish Northies, that takes some doing.
Ask any foreigner who has visited India and has had a torrid time and invariably you will hear, that person visited the North, not the South of India.
Of course, we keep hearing the silly, retarded and now boring nonsense that Hindi is the national language of India. Even CNN IBN itself is guilty of propagating that lie. But many North Indians actually believe this to be the truth.
Violence and boorish behaviour isn't about male testosterone expressing itself. This is about stupidity refusing to give itself up. It is a situation where boorishness is considered an asset. It is where being an aggressive male, prone to violence, is considered a positive trait. It is not necessarily that intellectual pursuit is ignored, just that an emotional maturity seems to get the back seat in this proudly stupid North Indian environment.
CNN IBN is not South Indian. It is boorish too. We have a challenge of rising prices at the moment in India, but on CNN IBN, it is a "War" on price rise. WAR? Is there an armed conflict? Where is the freaking battlefield? The battlefield is in the minds of the idiots who work in this environment, who need to put their testosterone into their work. Their bosses are the biggest suppliers of this boorish mentality - the USA! They're the freaks who declare WAR on anything they cannot win against! War on drugs! War on terror! War on obesity! How about War on stupidity? WAR is what results when all other solutions to differences have been given up. In other words, it is when creativity and intellect and the ability to negotiate have all been exhausted. It is when the power of the human spirit is at its nadir. With CNN IBN this seems to happen rather quickly, just like the North Indian problem. So, it cannot be "The Price Rise Challenge", or "India Rising? Or only Prices?", it has to be "WAR" - an inherently uncreative, base, low attitude towards life and its numerous challenges.
What's next? A War On North India?
- BSK.