It has been centuries since the white man left the shores of his native lands and went all over the globe, looking for riches that were nowhere to be found in his own. Along the way, white man had to be resourceful - for invasion, violence, innovation, invention, and for making up things along the way, like democracy, free markets and so on - things that slowly persuade other people to follow benignly because it sounds like a good idea.
After all, how bad can "of the people, for the people, by the people" be? Well, shit! Pretty bad as we are learning now! The idea of free markets has taken rampant part in exploitation, because those lands where people are being exploited do not have kings who would have slit the throats of businessmen doing anything like that.
The white man has always been about doing the dirty work out of sight, and keeping a nice, soft, benign front. The rest of the world has been somewhat opposite to that. If a kingdom stood for violence, you'd see dead bodies in the streets. It won't be sending planes to bomb another faraway country while its citizens are sitting around in a coffee shop watching it on the news locally.
The millions of people that flock to the USA to live there, do so in all innocence, believing in shit like "The American Dream" while in reality, they actually strive to prop up some really huge lies, by serving the machine that white man built out of nothing. You don't have to be very smart to do materially well in the USA - it has plenty of power to lend you money when you fuck up. That is how it has piled up the biggest debts in history of mankind, but it doesn't matter! The White Man is all about making us temporarily feeling good while he gets all the benefits! All big businesses in the world - pharma, fast food, fashion, entertainment, booze, cigarettes, drugs, education, sex - are made of this simple philosophy. Take the candy, and become a slave for life!
The same goes for the much talked about cultural invasion of ancient cultures by white man's content, on top of which stands Hollywood, and now taken over by television marquees such as "Friends". The trap is the feel good factor. Our children will fall for the culture of temporary feel good, as long as it never talks about consequences. All love stories are traps. Everything feels great when the romance peaks and ends in a commitment at the end of the movie. Oh wow! "Titanic" was great, but it really is about bad maritime navigation than anything else, isn't it?
There is never a story about how the romance gets fucked up just after the engagement and how this amazing idea of romancing, dating, the whole soulmate shit and all the good shit including the diamond ring and the wedding ends with rather stunning divorce rates of over 50%, and social misery, old age homes, and disjointed families.
Break ups are the release! But you cannot sell much to someone looking forward to a break up, can you? The boy and girl in love will buy cards, entertain themselves, buy gifts, and spend money! The couple that come out of a breakup come out wiser, a little more discerning, and less gullible. So, what do we do with them?
Well, there is always the next beginning! And white man's next great idea is just around the corner. Viagra! Remain young forever! For a culture based on the temporary, Viagra actually tries to keep youth permanent.
Popular romantic stories tell us that sometimes, even though we know something could be a mistake, we should make it! What kind of moron would say something like this? It is only by constantly building upon untruth that a bloated unreality can be maintained, which serves the selling machine.
It's the dishonesty of the "selling" culture that really bothers me. In fact, this whole "selling" culture is based on the white man's idea of the free market and the assumed "right" to persuade someone to buy something, but there is some dharma in that, so it has a right to exist as a viewpoint. What I find disgusting is that there is "moral science" in school, there is "physical education" and there is even "sex education" but there is no "market education". How do we cope with shit that we are constantly sold and shit that constantly persuades us into believing untruth?
The same sort of happy, giddy, romantic progress translates into our newfound obsession with easy success. Look at the number of idiots who fall for nonsense like converting $400 to $3100 in a month through Forex trading! So why can't the government throw in its 300 billion of reserves into this amazing business and in a month's time, we will have trillions! How hard can it be to conjure up some common sense?
The number of young Indian people I meet on a daily basis who believe they are smart enough to see huge success in their lives is just mind boggling. There are simply no statistics to support that kind of success in such large numbers. Even in the country that promises great things, the USA, 1% of the population has nearly 80% of the nation's privately held wealth! Of course there is always the promise, the trap, the possibility, but where is the education telling us that this sort of success is going to be elusive?
Boost improves stamina three fold? What kind of motherfucking stupid ass, demented parenting pricks will believe this and feed their little shits with this goddamned product? Three fold? So how come our olympic athletes aren't tanking up on Boost and coming home with all the long distance gold medals? Surely, if our athletes can tap into the secret of Boost, they could do three times better than the Africans?! This lie is there on TV every single day, but since this is the white man's way of doing shit, we do not question it.
If there is to be an honest message to our kids and giddy parents, here it is - "Get off your pompous asses and work hard. Save your money, and don't buy anything you don't need. Life is not going to be easy. Get used to it. Your kid has to run kilometres everyday for his or her stamina to improve even a little bit. Your kid will not become healthier by using Lifebuoy soap, or smarter or taller or sharper by drinking Horlicks. Make the little shit eat vegetables and stay off junk food. Tell the bastard that s/he will grow the same kind of paunch daddy has and suffer from worse diseases if s/he is not careful.
For heavens sake, your child is nothing special. Your moron neighbour thinks just as highly about his little shit, and that moron also has medals and certificates to prove his little shit's great achievements. Now think. How did all of us excellent children from thirty years ago build such a mediocre nation? By believing greatness is in our manifest destiny? Yes, exactly. Because we're staring at how white man built his countries and we think that is the way to do it! Wake the fuck up!"
- BSK.
After all, how bad can "of the people, for the people, by the people" be? Well, shit! Pretty bad as we are learning now! The idea of free markets has taken rampant part in exploitation, because those lands where people are being exploited do not have kings who would have slit the throats of businessmen doing anything like that.
The white man has always been about doing the dirty work out of sight, and keeping a nice, soft, benign front. The rest of the world has been somewhat opposite to that. If a kingdom stood for violence, you'd see dead bodies in the streets. It won't be sending planes to bomb another faraway country while its citizens are sitting around in a coffee shop watching it on the news locally.
The millions of people that flock to the USA to live there, do so in all innocence, believing in shit like "The American Dream" while in reality, they actually strive to prop up some really huge lies, by serving the machine that white man built out of nothing. You don't have to be very smart to do materially well in the USA - it has plenty of power to lend you money when you fuck up. That is how it has piled up the biggest debts in history of mankind, but it doesn't matter! The White Man is all about making us temporarily feeling good while he gets all the benefits! All big businesses in the world - pharma, fast food, fashion, entertainment, booze, cigarettes, drugs, education, sex - are made of this simple philosophy. Take the candy, and become a slave for life!
The same goes for the much talked about cultural invasion of ancient cultures by white man's content, on top of which stands Hollywood, and now taken over by television marquees such as "Friends". The trap is the feel good factor. Our children will fall for the culture of temporary feel good, as long as it never talks about consequences. All love stories are traps. Everything feels great when the romance peaks and ends in a commitment at the end of the movie. Oh wow! "Titanic" was great, but it really is about bad maritime navigation than anything else, isn't it?
There is never a story about how the romance gets fucked up just after the engagement and how this amazing idea of romancing, dating, the whole soulmate shit and all the good shit including the diamond ring and the wedding ends with rather stunning divorce rates of over 50%, and social misery, old age homes, and disjointed families.
Break ups are the release! But you cannot sell much to someone looking forward to a break up, can you? The boy and girl in love will buy cards, entertain themselves, buy gifts, and spend money! The couple that come out of a breakup come out wiser, a little more discerning, and less gullible. So, what do we do with them?
Well, there is always the next beginning! And white man's next great idea is just around the corner. Viagra! Remain young forever! For a culture based on the temporary, Viagra actually tries to keep youth permanent.
Popular romantic stories tell us that sometimes, even though we know something could be a mistake, we should make it! What kind of moron would say something like this? It is only by constantly building upon untruth that a bloated unreality can be maintained, which serves the selling machine.
It's the dishonesty of the "selling" culture that really bothers me. In fact, this whole "selling" culture is based on the white man's idea of the free market and the assumed "right" to persuade someone to buy something, but there is some dharma in that, so it has a right to exist as a viewpoint. What I find disgusting is that there is "moral science" in school, there is "physical education" and there is even "sex education" but there is no "market education". How do we cope with shit that we are constantly sold and shit that constantly persuades us into believing untruth?
The same sort of happy, giddy, romantic progress translates into our newfound obsession with easy success. Look at the number of idiots who fall for nonsense like converting $400 to $3100 in a month through Forex trading! So why can't the government throw in its 300 billion of reserves into this amazing business and in a month's time, we will have trillions! How hard can it be to conjure up some common sense?
The number of young Indian people I meet on a daily basis who believe they are smart enough to see huge success in their lives is just mind boggling. There are simply no statistics to support that kind of success in such large numbers. Even in the country that promises great things, the USA, 1% of the population has nearly 80% of the nation's privately held wealth! Of course there is always the promise, the trap, the possibility, but where is the education telling us that this sort of success is going to be elusive?
Boost improves stamina three fold? What kind of motherfucking stupid ass, demented parenting pricks will believe this and feed their little shits with this goddamned product? Three fold? So how come our olympic athletes aren't tanking up on Boost and coming home with all the long distance gold medals? Surely, if our athletes can tap into the secret of Boost, they could do three times better than the Africans?! This lie is there on TV every single day, but since this is the white man's way of doing shit, we do not question it.
If there is to be an honest message to our kids and giddy parents, here it is - "Get off your pompous asses and work hard. Save your money, and don't buy anything you don't need. Life is not going to be easy. Get used to it. Your kid has to run kilometres everyday for his or her stamina to improve even a little bit. Your kid will not become healthier by using Lifebuoy soap, or smarter or taller or sharper by drinking Horlicks. Make the little shit eat vegetables and stay off junk food. Tell the bastard that s/he will grow the same kind of paunch daddy has and suffer from worse diseases if s/he is not careful.
For heavens sake, your child is nothing special. Your moron neighbour thinks just as highly about his little shit, and that moron also has medals and certificates to prove his little shit's great achievements. Now think. How did all of us excellent children from thirty years ago build such a mediocre nation? By believing greatness is in our manifest destiny? Yes, exactly. Because we're staring at how white man built his countries and we think that is the way to do it! Wake the fuck up!"
- BSK.