Gujarat High Court. The Gujarat government has to inevitably follow
suit since its ban notification has been overthrown. What they should
really be sensitive about is not the lift of the ban, but the
observation made by division bench, about the notification - "book was
not read, mind was not applied, opinion had not been formed"!
In other words, stripped of the diplomacy, this is the court telling
the government, "You bastards have neither read the book, nor are
capable of understanding its contents. You have no mind, and you have
no thought process. Get the f*** out of the way". Hee hee hee! Tell
us something we don't know already. Modi and his bunch of idiots have
been shown their place. No wonder Jaswant Singh is thrilled. So am
But the damning situation really isn't about Jaswant Singh's book and
the Modi government's knee jerk reaction of sorts. It has to do with
how many stupid people there are in politics and government -
something I have been harping about for a while now. Plain stupidity!
Can we constantly lean on the honourable members of our judiciary to
be rescued from stupidity? That is not what they are there for, but
they have certainly made a statement here.
We have the worst people in politics, and the worst manpower in
government. There is neither an atmosphere that encourages
intelligence or a demand for excellence in performance. Just visit
any government office and you can see how well the country is being
run. The problem with government is that it doesn't have to deliver
anything since we're okay with mediocrity.
Democracy, particularly when practised to the extreme degree as in our
country, has one major drawback. A few fools can hold back the rest
of us from progress. It is already a crime when many fools can hold
back the progress of a few intelligent people, but giving the majority
of India the benefit of doubt, we're still left with this incredible
trapping - those in government can make our lives miserable just
because they are stupid enough to do so!
What is our defence against plain stupidity? Insulation - you cannot
buy it unless you are very rich. That will mean, you have your own
fields to produce food, your own water supply, your own electricity
generation, and you have your own aircraft so you don't have to deal
with government maintained roads - at the very least. If today is any
indication, Air India planes will catch fire from fuel leaks. You
could DIE from government inefficiency.
Indifference is the other option - won't get us very far. Unless you
choose to live in a jungle without any interaction with anybody, you
are going to get hit by stupidity sooner or later.
Spiritual evasion - something we Indians are very good at! You can
tell yourself that this is God's world and you just have to learn from
it, evolve, mature, and essentially, you guessed it, do nothing! How
lovely that evolving in the spirit can lead you to be a coward putting
up with nonsense. If this is acceptable to you, like the majority of
Indians, then you have no problems.
But what about those of us who bloody well want something better than
what we have, on all fronts? Is there any real reason beyond
willingness to put up with stupidity and mediocrity for us to be
subjected to the fundamental anxiety of being Indian today? Why
should the most basic things go wrong in our country? Try going into
a government office to get a plan approved to build a house. You
cannot do it without paying a bribe unless you are willing to bully.
Why should we have to bribe OR BULLY dumbasses to do jobs they should
be doing efficiently anyway?
Look at how quickly they can move when it concerns their own parasitic
futures within government. One politician dies in a helicopter crash,
and immediately, there is an active debate about putting satellite
phones on all VVIP carrying aircraft! Doesn't matter if the rest of
us can never get accurate information about trains coming and going on
a simple automated system by calling 139. Doesn't matter how many
thousands of man hours are lost in productivity just because we have
to cover for government inefficiency, backwardness, delays and just
plain incompetence. VVIPs have to get their bloody satellite phones,
and we're paying for that, no doubt.
How come politicians get to travel on well paved roads everywhere,
while we pay road tax and have to put up with pot holes, snarls, road
blocks, dirt and debris that are never removed, and policemen willing
to ticket us for offences we didn't commit - like overspeeding on a
TVS Scooty! Come on!
The plain truth is that other people can affect our lives. The more
stupid they are, the more lazy they are and the more incompetent they
are, the more negatively they can affect our lives. Government jobs
in India attract precisely the most stupid, the laziest and the most
incompetent people. So, how are we going to escape the grind with
them? The judiciary is all we have on our side. Let's sue the living
daylights out of the government for all the crappy work they do, the
crappy decisions they take, and the things they never get around to.
No other way out of this mess. Sue, sue, sue.
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